Google's Latest Algorithm Update
Google's latest algorithm update could affect SEO
Google’s latest algorithm update called 'Penguin' downgrades sites it suspects of artificially boosting rankings. This will affect sites that are stuffed with keywords, inbound links or are overly search engine optimised.
There are things to take into account if you want to avoid being penalised by Google. Firstly, steer clear of paying for lots of inbound links as this is something that could damage website rankings.
Subject articles that link back to your website should be on quality article sites. Although articles websites like Ezine Articles were downgraded by the last algorithm update, they still provide a good platform for quality articles.
Some articles sites are not high quality however and have been heavily penalised by Google for containing lots of poor quality articles or article farming. Steer clear of these as they may damage your rankings.
Ultimately Google is discouraging paid links and low-quality website links with its latest Penguin algorithm update. They want to reduce the large amounts of web spam across the internet.
However those that write quality content on websites and make sure any offsite content is well written and only contains a few relevant links, shouldn’t have a problem.
As Matt Cutts, a Google Engineer, says: "The Penguin algorithm update was designed to reduce web spam, which is when websites try to get a higher search ranking than they deserve by deceiving or manipulating search engines."
Published on 24/05/2012